Thu, 07 Dec 2006


These were the steps to setup the blog for this presentation on my Mac OSX 10.4 Notebook.

1. install pyblosxom python package after extracting the archive

$ sudo /usr/local/bin/python2.4 install --prefix=/usr/local 

2. install pyblosxom contrib (contributed plugins) after 
   extracting the archive

$ sudo cp -R contrib.1.3.0 /usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/

3. create the necessary directories for the web site 

$ cd /Library/WebServer/
$ sudo  mkdir michipug-pyblosxom-Dec-2006
$ chown xxx   michipug-pyblosxom-Dec-2006
$ mkdir cgi-bin
$ mkdir blog
$ mkdir blog/entries
$ mkdir blog/flavours
$ mkdir blog/flavours/html.flav
$ mkdir blog/logs
$ mkdir static
$ mkdir css
$ mkdir graphics

4. copy the cgi and config file

$ cd path/to/pyblosxom_build_dirs/web
$ cp pyblosxom.cgi /Library/WebServer/michipug-pyblosxom-Dec-2006/cgi-bin/
$ cp     /Library/WebServer/michipug-pyblosxom-Dec-2006/cgi-bin/
$ vi pyblosxom.cgi to change to #!/usr/local/bin/python2.4 

[23:48] | [] | #-permalink-#